Speaker series: A Documentary and Commentary by Sean Scally, filmmaker
Sean Scally’s documentary film, Playing with Fire, recounts the story of the horrific explosion of the British Chemical Company’s munitions plant in Trenton in October 1918. This little-known story is replete with terror, heroism and intrigue but with less devastating consequences than the better-known Halifax Explosion ten months earlier. Sean Scally began making films after a career in the Canadian military and Ontario Hydro. He is a self-taught photographer, podcaster and cinematographer, having created a body of award-winning work in photography, short films and features. He is prominent in the cultural life of theatre, music and history in the Quinte area.
Tuesday, 15 November 2022, Bagnani Hall, Traill College, 7:30 p.m. (see map for location) All welcome. Street parking on London, Dublin, Rubidge and Stewart Streets.