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Directors & Trustees

PHS Board of Directors 2024-2025

President: Don Willcock
Vice-President: Amber Johnson
Secretary :  Susan Matthews
Recording Secretary: Hailey Lansley (Hutchison House Assistant Curator, ex officio)
Treasurer: Paul Lumsden
Members: Linda Chandler (Chair of Hutchison House Management Committee)
Marilyn McNaughton (Treasurer of PHS & HH Trust Fund)
Michael Peterman (Chair of Publications Committee, Professor Emeritus, Trent University)
Debbi Johnson Johnson (new PHS member) David Wesley (Chair of Programs Committee)
Erin Panepinto (Hutchison House Curator and Manager, ex officio)

Trust Fund Trustees

Chair: Peter Darling
Treasurer: Marilyn MacNaughton (PHS Board member)
Paul Lumsden (PHS Treasurer)
Doug Lavery
Dennis Carter-Edwards