Speaker series: Panel and round table discussion
Peterborough Historical Society public round table discussion. Challenges facing urban
development are much in the news. The Ontario Heritage Trust recognizes “many ways that
heritage conservation supports urban regeneration,” especially “through the adaptive reuse of
heritage properties for new purposes while retaining their heritage attributes.” Panelists
Deborah Keay, Manager, Municipal Engineering with D.M. Mills Associates in Peterborough,
and Roy Turner, Senior Architect with Lett Architects, Peterborough will discuss this issue with
moderator Dennis Carter-Edwards, retired Cultural Resource Manager with the Trent-Severn
Waterway. Come and join the discussion.
Tuesday, 16 May 2023, Bagnani Hall, Traill College, 7:30 p.m. All welcome. Street parking on
London and Dublin Streets.

YLoft project, Atria Development, winner Cox award 2021