Help us ring in the New Year at Hutchison House with a Hogmanay celebration from 1 to 3:30 p.m. on, January 1, 2025. Our first-footer will be “piped in” at precisely 1 p.m. January 1st with a rousing rendition of ‘Burns’ Address to a Haggis’ to follow shortly thereafter. Visitors will enjoy tours of the museum as well as samples of the taste of Scotland throughout the afternoon. Fiddle music, dancing and the skirl of the bagpipe and drum will round out the day. Plan to drop in to wish new friends and old neighbours the best for the coming year.
Admission prices: adults $12.00; children $8.00; family rate $35.00 (2adults/2+ children). Athol Brose sold separately. This is a ‘drop-in’ affair. Space at the museum is limited and in order to accommodate visitors to this popular event and we would respectfully ask participants to keep the length of their visit as short as possible to avoid overcrowding. For more information call the museum at (705) 743-9710.