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New Interactive and Accessible Program

New to Hutchison House: In an effort to make every learning experience a valuable experience, we have included a new interactive program within the Museum! As an addition to our Virtual Museum Tour DVD, Museum Management and Curatorship students from Sir Sandford Fleming College have created a new chest full of artifacts that represent a great deal of the history presented in the museum for individuals who cannot access the upstairs levels of Hutchison House.

This chest is accompanied by a book providing an introductory explanation to the history of Hutchison House, allowing an independent learning experience for those who wish this. There is also a short Braille version. This experience is great for visitors who cannot trek up the stairs of the museum, those who would rather sit and experience the artifacts first-hand, or those who are visually impaired. Come and join us for your next museum experience and enjoy the history of our museum hands-on!