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PHS Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, April 15, 2025

Lions Community Centre,

347 Burnham Street,

6:45 -8:30 p.m.

Peterborough Historical Society Annual General Meeting

“Remembering Jean Murray Cole”

In accordance with Provincial authorization, notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Peterborough Historical Society will be held on Tuesday, 15 April, 2025, at The Peterborough Lions Center for the following purpose:

1. To elect Directors

2. To appoint Auditors for the Corporation and to authorize the Board of Directors to fix their remuneration

3. To receive the Financial Statements for 2024, reviewed by Patrick Sweeney, Chartered Accountant

To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

Only paid-up members of record at the close of business on 15 April, 2025, will be entitled to attend and vote at the meeting.

Following the meeting will be a variety of speakers celebrating the life and contributions of former PHS President, local author, heritage advocate and long-time Hutchison House volunteer Jean Murray Cole.

Jean’s many institutional connections included: Lang Pioneer Village, the Canadian Canoe Museum, Christ Church Community Museum (Lakefield), and Peterborough’s St John’s Anglican Church. She was an editor and author, community volunteer, historian, speaker, board member, historical consultant/advisor, and (as noted in her Examiner obituary of 21 December 2024) “a citizen extraordinaire”.

Jean was President of the PHS when it was bequeathed the old stone house at 270 Brock Street, Peterborough, in 1969. It was with Jean leading the charge that the Society’s Board of the day decided to turn the property into the community museum – Hutchison House – that it has become. The conversion from residence to museum took several years of hard work and substantial fundraising, in both of which she played an instrumental role.   

Non-members are welcome to attend the celebration of Jean. A reception with light refreshments will follow. For further information or to renew your PHS membership, please contact the historical society office at 705-740-2600.