Speaker series: Don Barrie. Peterborough has a long and intimate connection with lacrosse. The Daily Examiner gave a history of the origins of lacrosse in a 1892 article, noting the formation of the Montreal la Crosse [sic] Club in 1860 followed shortly after with the National La Crosse Association of Canada. That same year the paper noted the “retirement” of Joe Phelan who was a prominent player and executive member of the Peterborough Lacrosse Club for many years. In acknowledging his contribution, club president W.E. Lech noted Phelan’s “untiring services in promoting the interests of the national game” and “his skill in every match where the club won success.” Don Barrie, the author of a history of lacrosse in Peterborough, will present his extensive research on this important part Peterborough’s sport history. For fans of the game and history enthusiasts, this promises to be an entertaining and informative evening.
Tuesday, 21 February 2023, 7:30 p.m. on Zoom. Register to attend by sending an email note to with “Lacrosse” in the subject line.